The Word Of God

The Bible is considered the inspired word of God, offering guidance and wisdom for living a Christian life. Learn more about the Holy Scriptures on this page.

What is Christianity?

This page serves as a gateway to exploring the fundamental beliefs of Christianity. Here, you’ll find a comprehensive overview of 15 key doctrines that form the foundation of Christian faith.

Christian Education

In 2021, I was preparing for a trip to South Sudan, eager to join some fellow service members and preach in the churches where they serve. I watched a video featuring a young girl who said, ‘You have a place to sleep, but we don’t. We sleep on the ground.

Belief in the Trinity

Montes pellentesque odio sit amet arcu, mi dui scelerisque bibendum, aliquet suspendisse integer commodo…

Belief in Jesus Christ as Savior

Montes pellentesque odio sit amet arcu, mi dui scelerisque bibendum, aliquet suspendisse integer commodo…

The Bible as Sacred Scripture

Montes pellentesque odio sit amet arcu, mi dui scelerisque bibendum, aliquet suspendisse integer commodo…

Salvation by Grace through Faith

Montes pellentesque odio sit amet arcu, mi dui scelerisque bibendum, aliquet suspendisse integer commodo…

Resurrection & Second Coming of Christ

Montes pellentesque odio sit amet arcu, mi dui scelerisque bibendum, aliquet suspendisse integer commodo…

The Church

Montes pellentesque odio sit amet arcu, mi dui scelerisque bibendum, aliquet suspendisse integer commodo…

Prayer as Communication with God

Montes pellentesque odio sit amet arcu, mi dui scelerisque bibendum, aliquet suspendisse integer commodo…

The Virgin Birth of Jesus

Montes pellentesque odio sit amet arcu, mi dui scelerisque bibendum, aliquet suspendisse integer commodo…

The Atonement

Montes pellentesque odio sit amet arcu, mi dui scelerisque bibendum, aliquet suspendisse integer commodo…

he Holy Spirit's Guidance and Empowerment

Montes pellentesque odio sit amet arcu, mi dui scelerisque bibendum, aliquet suspendisse integer commodo…

The Great Commission

Montes pellentesque odio sit amet arcu, mi dui scelerisque bibendum, aliquet suspendisse integer commodo…

The Beatitudes

Montes pellentesque odio sit amet arcu, mi dui scelerisque bibendum, aliquet suspendisse integer commodo…

The importance of Faith and Trust in God

Montes pellentesque odio sit amet arcu, mi dui scelerisque bibendum, aliquet suspendisse integer commodo…

The Doctrine of Creation

Montes pellentesque odio sit amet arcu, mi dui scelerisque bibendum, aliquet suspendisse integer commodo…

The belief in Heaven and Hell as Afterlife Destinations

Montes pellentesque odio sit amet arcu, mi dui scelerisque bibendum, aliquet suspendisse integer commodo…

The Christian belief in Jesus Christ as Savior is at the core of Christian theology and represents a central tenet that distinguishes Christianity from….

In the Christian perspective, the Church is not simply a physical institution but a spiritual organism and community of believers, known as the Body of….

The Great Commission, as articulated by Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20, is a central mandate in the Christian perspective. Christians believe that before ascending….

At the heart of Christian theology is the concept of salvation by grace through faith. Christians firmly believe that salvation is a gift from God, unearned….

The Christian belief in the Trinity is a fundamental aspect of Christian theology, defining the nature of God as revealed in the Bible. The Trinity affirms….

From the Christian perspective, the Bible is held in utmost reverence as Sacred Scripture. Christians believe that the Bible is not merely a human document….

For Christians, prayer is an essential and intimate form of communication with God. It is a fundamental aspect of the Christian life, serving as a means….

The Christian perspective on the resurrection and the Second Coming of Christ is foundational to the Christian faith, providing hope and assurance for….

The Christian perspective on Heaven and Hell is deeply rooted in the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith, emphasizing the eternal destinations….

The Christian perspective on the Doctrine of Creation affirms God as the Creator of the universe, emphasizing His sovereign and intentional act of bringing….

Faith and trust in God are foundational principles in the Christian perspective, shaping the believer’s relationship with the divine. Christians….

The Beatitudes, found in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:3-12), are a collection of teachings that outline the attitudes and character traits….

In the Christian perspective, the Holy Spirit is acknowledged as the third person of the Trinity, co-equal with God the Father and God the Son. The Holy….

Central to the Christian perspective is the belief in the atonement, which refers to Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross as the means of….

The Christian perspective on the Virgin Birth of Jesus is a crucial aspect of the Incarnation, signifying the miraculous conception of Jesus in the womb….

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