I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet.
Join us in Sudan and become a source of hope and comfort for vulnerable women and children. Your volunteer efforts will quench their thirst, provide safe shelter, and fulfill critical needs. Your presence will make a real difference in their lives, leaving a lasting positive impact on their future.

Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
Become a source of hope and comfort by volunteering with our ministry. Your efforts will quench the thirst and provide shelter for orphaned children and women, fulfilling a vital need and making a real difference in their lives. Your impact will be a lasting positive force on their future.
Making a Difference
By Serving Christ's People
Here's why your volunteer efforts are so vital:

Providing Essential Care:

Fostering Education and Growth

Building Hope

Witness the Transformation of Christ's Love
Become a builder of safe havens, where children and women feel valued, loved, and part of something bigger than themselves. Imagine creating a nurturing environment where individuals can express themselves freely, explore their talents, and develop their unique abilities. As fear is replaced with hope, isolation with connection, and despair with a newfound sense of optimism for the future.